Medicine Horse Center created the R U AWARE? video series as a way to connect with youth online. Each of the videos, 2-5 minutes in length, highlight important social-emotional topics through engaging and interactive lessons with the horses. Strategies and prompts are included to assist caregivers, educators and counselors in continuing the conversation. The R U AWARE? series provides tools in making positive connections with others, handling peer pressure, managing stress, and among others, staying grounded and positive in these uncertain times.
Video Lesson Topics
- Respect
- Connecting with Others
- Regulation Skills
- Rights & Responsibilities
- Showing Gratitude
- Mindfulness with Horses
- Finding Your Strengths
- Self-Control
- Empathy
- Waves of Emotions
- Self-Talk
- Courage
- Tolerance
- Getting Along
- Peer Pressure
- Curiosity
Buy R U AWARE Video Series
The full series will be shipped on a dedicated USB drive.
Cost: $40
What educators, counselors and caregivers are saying
“Great videos! You are so creative in your approach to helping during this tough time.” A.R. Curriculum Director/Educator
“SUPER COOL” T.O. Parent
“I have so appreciated the R U AWARE video series! It has helped several of my students.” D.P. School Social Worker
“Oh, my gosh! Thank you! Thank you! Thank You! I can’t wait to share this with our team. I just love this video series. Nice work!!!!!! Video 2 was the first one I watched! I loved it! I was eager to watch the rest after that one.” K.B. Natural Lifemanship Institute
“The kids loved the video and was so much needed levity in these ludicrous times.” C.C. Parent

“These are FANTASTIC! I’m sending them to staff now. Thank you so much!” C.E. Elementary Principal
“Oh my gosh! Today’s video is precious! Thank you! I love the connection with our 4 legged friends overcoming challenges too. The variety of ages of kids is awesome. Your videos this morning have helped get me out of my monotonous rut. I’m ready for my day now with a better frame of mind. Thanks.” C.L. Clinical Director Axis Health System
“You are helping lots by your good videos! Appreciate your good reach to others!” S.M. Parent
“Love your videos so much!! Makes me so happy!!! Thanks for sharing! Keep on drumming!!” M.O. Natural Lifemanship Institute
“This is going to be a fantastic resource – thank you so much for reaching out to our students!” K.L. 5th grade teacher
“Thank you to all involved and their contribution to the social and emotional well-being of our children during this time! This continued dedication and commitment to helping children grow in insurmountable ways is truly inspiring. As an elementary principal, and mother of three I am grateful for the support our children have received! Thank you to Karen Finch, the horses, and the Medicine Horse family!“ K.G. Elementary Principal/Parent